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Fünf-Paneel-Weihnachtskarten (18) Snowflake

Fünf-Paneel-Weihnachtskarten (18) Snowflake Fünf-Paneel-Weihnachtskarten (18) Snowflake
Fünf-Paneel-Weihnachtskarten (18) Snowflake Fünf-Paneel-Weihnachtskarten (18) Snowflake
Fünf-Paneel-Weihnachtskarten (18) Snowflake
Karten 17,3x12x60cm - 18 Karten mit Umschlag - Veredelung inklusive Prägung und Folie.  Grösse 17.3x12x60cm The beauty of the snowflake Heaven sends a miracle every time it...





€ 34,95
Preis pro Stück

Verfügbarkeit : 2

Karten 17,3x12x60cm - 18 Karten mit Umschlag - Veredelung inklusive Prägung und Folie. 
Grösse 17.3x12x60cm

The beauty of the snowflake
Heaven sends a miracle every time it snows
full of awe and beauty as the sky with diamonds glow
Like each tiny snowflake, every heart was made unique-
to bring out all the facets of the one were made to seek
So let this wondrous season cause our hearts again to see
the beauty of God's love in all its perfect purity

Praying your christmas and new year are filled with God's many blessings

Out of His fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given
John 1:16 NIV


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