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NLT Inspire Bible Blue Hardcover

(Item no.: 9781496452597)
Inspire is a single-column, wide-margin New Living Translation Bible that will be a cherished resource for coloring and creative art journaling. It's the first Bible of its kind--with over 400 beautiful line-art illustrations spread throughout the Bible. Full-page and partial-page Scripture art is attractively displayed throughout the Bible, and the illustrations can be colored in to make each Bible unique, colorful, and customizable. Every page of Scripture has two-inch-wide margins, with either Scripture line-art or ruled space for writing notes and reflections, or to draw and create. The generous 8.65-point font ensures optimal readability, and quality cream Bible paper is great for creative art journaling. Inspire is available in the popular New Living Translation, and is designed uniquely to appeal to art-journaling and adult coloring book enthusiasts. 21,3 x 15,7 cm 9 points character
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