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Thomson, Robin Engaging with Hindus

Thomson, Robin   Engaging with Hindus       Thomson, Robin   Engaging with Hindus       Thomson, Robin   Engaging with Hindus
Thomson, Robin   Engaging with Hindus       Thomson, Robin   Engaging with Hindus       Thomson, Robin   Engaging with Hindus
Thomson, Robin Engaging with Hindus
Hindus represent the third largest faith in the world, and yet many Christians know very little about their beliefs and lifestyle.





€ 12,95
€ 9,95
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Voorraad : 2


This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches to understand more about the beliefs, mindset and motivations of Hindus, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.

Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasises the importance of forming loving, honest and open relationships as part of the way we engage with our Hindu friends and neighbours.

Elian International


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